The Best Stubborn Belly Fat Burner Diet - How to Trick Your Body Into Releasing That Stubborn Fat


Everyone  wants to lose weight. Even the people I know that are fairly lean still have stubborn fat on their lower belly, hips, or thighs. Unless you are genetically inclined to not store fat in these areas there is a good chance you are a victim to stubborn fat. I'm often asked what the best fat burner diet is and my answer is typically the same. To get rid of the stubborn fat you have to get rid of the diet paradigm that you may be stuck in and enter a zone where your metabolism is always higher.

You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned

This might sound really corny but it was Yoda the Jedi Master that said to Luke, "You must unlearn what you have learned". When teaching people how to really take the next step in fat loss it can be difficult to teach them what really works for a fat burner diet. We have been bombarded with fat loss pills, the low carb lifestyle, the low fat or no fat it's all bad for you system, and the advice of just doing endless hours of cardio to lose weight.

These all actually work to a degree which is why they are all promoted. The only problem is that once someone loses some initial weight they find the plateau quickly breaks them down mentally and the answer to the plateau is to drop more calories and do more cardio. This is a downward spiral of shutting off your metabolism. A solid fat burner diet will rely more on eating a solid well rounded nutritional plan rather than cutting calories.

The Key to Long Term Weight Loss

The key to consistently losing body fat week after week is to keep eating. It's really more about what you eat rather than how much you eat. A perfect fat burner diet will include in nearly each meal a lean protein, a starchy carbohydrate, a fibrous carbohydrate, and some healthy fat.

This particular combination of food is extremely filling and it is hard to overeat. This combination of food also digests very slowly making you feel full longer and allowing the energy to be released slowly keeping your insulin levels low and your blood sugar regulated. This is the perfect environment for fat burning.

With constant calories coming in your body always has high levels of fat burning enzymes. These enzymes that help you use fats that you eat for energy are also needed to convert fat on your body as energy. When you decrease your fat intake too low the body's response can be lowering these enzymes. This will slow down your ability to burn excess fat. A good fat burner diet includes plenty of healthy fats with each meal.

The reason stubborn fat is so difficult to get rid of is because the body is now in hyper survival mode. It is using every trick in the book to hold onto that fat for the future. You need to trick your body into thinking you are getting plenty to eat while at the same time doing an exercise routine that will increase your metabolism very high.

The trick to burning stubborn body fat is to burn the fat off with an increased metabolism rather than starve the fat off with a greatly shutdown metabolism. A metabolism in shutdown mode will primarily burn muscle tissue while a healthy metabolism will actually find it easier to use fat for energy.

Starving Yourself Creates a Muscle Burning Machine

When calories are consistently cut the response is to lower thyroid levels and increase hormones and enzymes that will burn up muscle tissue. When calories are always kept high and in the right proportion your enzymes and hormones for fat burning will always be highest.

This is the difference between someone that can lose 30 pounds and then reach an endless plateau never getting rid of the last 10 pounds. The other scenario is keeping your metabolism healthy and losing the entire 40 pounds for good. The person that hits the plateau is also very likely to gain most of their fat back because they have damaged their metabolism and it will take time to correct itself.

What's the Total Solution to This Problem?

To avoid these pitfalls you will need to find a program that brings everything together with the proper eating and exercise. Working with an experienced fitness trainer that is accustomed to bringing people to lower body fat levels is a good fit. Check to see the results they have got with clients.

You don't need someone that can just count your reps at the gym. You need a total fitness solution. There are a few great systems that are available online that are written by experts at getting people lean. When reading reviews of fat burner diets look to see if the reviewer has actually tried the system. I'm doing a comprehensive 12 week review of a system that does everything stated above. My initial review so far is very positive as I'm 2 weeks into the program and see that all of the fundamentals are strong.

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